Start SOMETHING or you are doing NOTHING.
Time is what we want most, but what we use worst.” — William Penn, Fruits of Solitude
From last 2 years I was thinking of writing blogs, but I never got the time to do so, now when I look back at it, I haven’t done anything special that I should be proud of it. then where did I waste my time… I thought for some time and found out that I had plenty of time which I spend on many unimportant things like social media, watching series and movies. If I had used it wisely maybe I would have been at some other place.
I think everyone does this; we don’t give proper time to the things which really matters for us instead we have this bad addiction of wasting time on unnecessary things.
We don’t only waste time but also give reasons like if someone asks why you haven’t read that book — “Ohh! I did not get time to read, I was working on something else.” But deep down we know that if we have really wanted, we would have made some time to read.
So, I think at least from now on I will use my time on only those things which really matters and help me in my future.
I have a good habit of making notes when I read any book or start learning something new, I make note of it. I can use these notes to write my blogs this way I will get topics along with content and other people will also get benefit from my notes.
I don’t know if someone would read this or not. But I really don’t care because I am not writing this for someone else, I just want to complete one of my hobbies of writing to feel myself happy and start SOMETHING rather than doing NOTHING.